Category - free

Com assegurar-se que el comunicat de premsa sigui llegit per humans i no per robots?

Are you being conned when issuing a press release? While a PR agency has written a nice media release, the vast majority of agencies simply churn out the release to its list of media databases, hoping for freebie publication. This is what the industry calls “Earned Media.” On the other hand, “Paid Media” gives those circulating their releases full control over your branding and messaging. eTurboNews added another two levels to it, and it means getting paid only based on success. | How to make...

Un cop d'ull a l'olla de fusió de les Seychelles

A tender nation of merely 250 years, the Seychelles Islands harbor a wealth of heritage, stemming from the continents of Africa, Europe and Asia. Blending into what is now known as the Seychellois Creole culture, this melting pot captivates onlookers with its diverse history, art, cuisine, dance, and language. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Sandals Resorts Barbados: clients oberts i acollidors

It was what Sandals Resorts International Executive Chairman Adam Stewart called a landmark day when 2 of their Barbados hotels reopened last month, the last to do so since the pandemic arrived over a year ago. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Novetats a les Bahames al juny

Wanderlust no more. The Bahamas welcomes travelers to celebrate the arrival of summer with ease! Experience the islands – in real life – for an unforgettable vacation. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

La reunió virtual general anual de Fraport 2021 aprova tots els punts de l’ordre del dia

FRAPORT CEO Schulte takes an optimistic view of the next few months: “Thanks to the launch of vaccination programs, a gradual return to a certain level of normality is in sight. We are beginning to see the loosening of restrictions in everyday life. We can make plans again, also for the next vacation. That’s good news.” - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Seychelles fa una aparició virtual al BIT 2021

La destinació insular, a través de l'oficina del Seychelles Tourism Board Itàlia, va participar en l'edició virtual de la fira comercial i de consum BIT (Borsa Internazionale Turismo) 2021, celebrada en línia del 9 al 14 de maig. - eTurboNews | Tendències | Notícies de viatges en línia

El ministre de Turisme de Jamaica intensifica el lobby per a l'equitat de vacunes a la Cimera Mundial de Recuperació del Turisme

Ministre de Turisme de Jamaica Hon. Edmund Bartlett ha augmentat el seu lobby perquè els actors de la comunitat mundial facin sentir la seva veu sobre el tema de l'equitat de les vacunes i les seves implicacions per a la recuperació econòmica mundial, així com la plena restauració de la indústria turística. - eTurboNews | Tendències | Notícies de viatges en línia

Els ministres de Jamaica discuteixen les inversions amb el ministre d'Inversions de l'Aràbia Saudita

Jamaica Tourism Minister Hon. Edmund Bartlett (seen right in the photo) and Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator, the Hon. Aubyn Hill (seen left) pause for a photograph with Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Investment, Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih, following a successful meeting in Saudi Arabia earlier today. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Nous complexos de Jamaica cedits per Sandals

Resort groundbreaking marked the ongoing commitment to Jamaica and the location that inspired founder Gordon “Butch” Stewart to build Sandals Resorts throughout the Caribbean. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Seychelles es mou per ser encara més segures

Good news out of Seychelles which for the second straight week has registered a sustained decline in new cases of COVID-19, dropping below the levels before the spike that rang alarm bells for the country's health authorities and foreign press. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Assaborint els sabors de les Seychelles

A trip to the Seychelles Islands is incomplete without sampling the local cuisine. They are sharing some of the must-try Creole dishes visitors should tick off their list during their next holiday. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Copa Airlines reprèn els vols a les Bahames el 5 de juny de 2021

The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation and Copa Airlines have announced that, as of June 5, 2021, the Airline will reconnect Nassau with Brazil twice a week, on Mondays and Saturdays, and that starting June 17, flight days will change to Sundays and Thursdays. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

UNWTO Secretary General to visit Jamaica in June

Jamaica Tourism Minister Hon. Edmund Bartlett (seen left in the photo) and his colleague, Senator, the Hon. Aubyn Hill (seen right), Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, share a light moment with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili, (seen center) following their high-level meeting today in Madrid, Spain. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online