Donald Trump Jr. eTN interview: Money pouring in from Russia


eTurboNews talked with Donald Trump Jr. in 2008. Trump told eTN:  “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Zero investments does not mean Donald Trump has no relationships with powerful Russians. It has become clear that Donald Trump has known and tried to benefit big time in Russian investments and eyed investments in Russia. The Trump International Beach Resort in Sunny Isle, Florida, may be witness to this. Sunny Isle is a dominant wealthy Russian neighborhood on Florida’s coast with the Trump Hotel and Residence in the center of it all.

eTN staff writer Hazel Heyer wrote on September 15, 2008:

Conversa executiva: Donald Trump Jr. alcista a Rússia i pocs mercats emergents

The executive vice president of Development and Acquisitions for the Trump Organization, Donald Trump Jr., is the eldest child and son of famed real estate developer Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana Trump. He currently works with his siblings in buying, selling and franchising prime commercial real estate including hotel towers spanning the entire globe, from the US to Dubai.

Trump, Jr. va començar a treballar per a l'Organització Trump en projectes com ara els West Side Yards i Trump Place a Riverside Drive. Recentment, s'ha centrat en la reurbanització de l'antic Delmonico Hotel i el projecte Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago vist al programa de televisió The Apprentice.

A la recent Conferència Bridging US i Emerging Real Estate Markets celebrada a Manhattan de Cityscape USA, Don Jr. (com se'l diu amb afecte) va revelar la seriosa intenció de la seva empresa d'entrar als mercats emergents del món.

For Trump, Russia is the emerging market worth investing in currently, however in caveat into the high-end sector he counts on his international experience in the market. Trump said: “The emerging world in general attributes such brand premium to real estate that we are looking all over the place, primarily Russia. There are countries that have not been fully tapped by us such as Thailand, Vietnam and Argentina. We are currently looking at potential deals. Our interest is really everywhere because there is a lot of new money in the emerging markets which appeal to certain brands whether ego-driven or having the life-jacket effect that we feel gives added-value to our investment.” According to him, he has been to basically all the emerging markets in the last six months or this summer searching for good deals.

Si escollia la seva llista A més important per a inversions al món emergent, Trump va dir que la seva empresa escolliria la Xina i Rússia. "Tenint en compte el que he vist al mercat immobiliari de Rússia recentment en relació amb alguns dels mercats emergents, sembla que el país té molta més força natural, especialment en el sector de gamma alta on la gent se centra en el preu per metre quadrat. ," Ell va dir.

"A Rússia, realment prefereixo Moscou a totes les ciutats del món. A diferència d'altres països del món, aquest país té cinc grans ciutats on la gent com a mínim seria feliç d'estar a prop de viure al metro.

"A Rússia, si algú ha guanyat diners a qualsevol part del país, voldríeu el vostre lloc a Moscou".

However, to a certain degree, some US investors have had concerns over Russia. “Well, that’s happening, too. After spending half a dozen trips to Russia in the last 18 months, several buyers have been attracted to our projects there and everything associated therewith. But it is definitely not an issue of being able to find a deal – but an issue of ‘Will I ever see my money back out of that deal or can I actually trust the person I am doing the deal with?’ As much as we want to take our business over there, Russia is just a different world. Though the legal structure is in place for what we have today, and even 99 percent is covered, that 1 percent not covered could be 100 percent covered over there because it is a question of who knows who, whose brother is paying off who, etc.,” Trump said, adding, “It really is a scary place.”

Despite a current government that projects a ramrod posture, to Trump the current leaders even make the scene more scary. Holding back his grin, he said, “It’s so transparent – everything’s so interconnected that it really does not matter what is supposed to happen as what it is they want to happen is ultimately what happens.” He has had multiple deals but he’s open with his partners despite what it is that keeps him up at night has to do with knowing that he has to face the “issues forever including money coming back…or not.

“I pel que fa a l'afluència de productes de gamma alta als EUA, els russos constitueixen una secció transversal força desproporcionada de molts dels nostres actius; dir a Dubai, i sens dubte amb el nostre projecte a SoHo i a qualsevol lloc de Nova York. Veiem que arriben molts diners de Rússia. De fet, hi ha molts diners per a les obres noves i la revenda que reflecteixen una tendència a l'economia russa i, per descomptat, la feblesa del dòlar enfront del ruble", va dir.

Trump Jr. també supervisa el projecte Trump International Hotel i Tower SoHo juntament amb el guanyador del reality show The Apprentice Sean Yazbeck. L'organització va llançar l'any passat la venda d'àtics al Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium de Nova York al mercat dels Emirats Àrabs Units. Aquesta propietat és l'únic apartament d'hotel de luxe al barri de moda de SoHo de Manhattan.

Aside from the former Soviet state, India is also another place in which Trump thinks investment opportunities are ripe. He said that he likes India as much as China. But he said, “I don’t know if there’s much growth potential as China’s. Yet at the same time, with India gaining some of the benefits of colonial rule for a long time, India’s legal structure is a little simpler for Western investors to get in. It has a different mentality while there is still natural corruption like we see in many emerging markets. India, I think, is a little bit more refined than China and Russia which remain the Wild West.”

From a boutique perspective, Trump Jr. said they would like to expand their hotel brands and spend much time focusing on the management side. “We tend to look at Vietnam and we’re doing a couple of projects in Thailand. We’ve had incredible focus too in the Middle East, launching in Dubai with a force to reckon with,” he said.

The Trump Organization and Nakheel Properties, the developer of more than $30 billion in real estate in Dubai, have signed a deal in October 2005 creating Trump’s International Hotel and Tower. Both companies have invested substantially in the pioneering $US600 million development spread across a portfolio of eight hotels and resorts including the 800-unit condo-hotel of the US mogul. Trump’s tower is the initial development in Nakheel and The Trump Organization’s exclusive joint venture in the Middle East. Further, Trump Organization’s agreement with Nakheel includes exclusive rights for 19 countries in the Middle East region and 17 major brands.


Last week this article was mentioned by major US media including CNN, the Washington Post, BNE, and The Today Show.

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