Simpleview announces new senior leadership additions


Simpleview s'enorgulleix d'anunciar dues noves incorporacions al seu equip de direcció sènior. Cara Frank ha estat promoguda a vicepresident de màrqueting i Sean Moyle ha estat nomenat vicepresident d'operacions.

"Tots dos empleats de Simpleview a llarg termini, Cara i Sean, aportaran anys d'experiència pràctica i noves idees a l'equip de lideratge", va dir Ryan George, director general de Simpleview. "Les interaccions externes de Cara i els processos interns de Sean ajudaran a alinear els nostres socis, personal i operacions de la manera que serveixin millor als nostres clients a mesura que continuem creixent, i permetran que l'equip executiu i jo ens centrem més profundament en l'estratègia i el desenvolupament continuat de solucions innovadores i duradores per als nostres clients.”

El nou paper de Cara significa que sovint es trobarà a fires comercials de la indústria de viatges i turisme, als consells de la indústria i interactuant amb els socis estratègics de Simpleview, oferint una escolta, una comunicació oberta i una visió reflexiva. Sean s'associarà amb el director d'operacions de Simpleview, Scott Wood, per identificar oportunitats de millora i progrés intern, per abordar projectes específics i aportar l'impacte que ha tingut en el departament CMS de Simpleview a l'empresa en conjunt gràcies a la seva dedicació i coneixement.

Cara came to Simpleview nine years ago from the Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau, immediately bringing the insight of a customer to the Simpleview team. As the former Director of Marketing, Cara helped lay the groundwork for what is today’s Simpleview Summit, a user’s conference with attendance expected to exceed 700 global travel and tourism professionals in 2017. At the same time, she assisted with the integration of acquisitions and helped ensure a successful company culture and strong partner relationships.

“Cara has earned this promotion through unwavering dependability, a willingness to pitch in whenever needed, and years of adding to her knowledge of the industry,” said Ryan.”She has played a huge part in elevating and supporting our company goals, ensuring we remain a leading provider of technology and marketing solutions for our hundreds of DMO clients across the globe.”

“Sean has been here since the inception of our core products, Simpleview CRM and CMS, and knows all of our tools inside out,” stated Ryan. “His hard work, ability to surmount challenges, and talent for smartly aligning people and processes, demonstrate the perfect embodiment of Simpleview’s core values, and make him precisely the right fit for his new role as VP of Operations,” he added.

When Simpleview launched the newest version of their popular Content Management System platform in late 2014, the product was met with great enthusiasm.  Sean helped Simpleview acquire the talent and resources necessary to successfully manage the increased workload and ensured efficient processes were in place to meet customer expectations with the quality, creativity, and timeliness that they have come to expect from Simpleview. “Under Sean’s leadership we have successfully launched more than 110 websites on the new platform, and more than 200 prior to that, without a single failed project ,” said Ryan.

The expansion of Simpleview’s senior leadership team will enhance the company’s ability to meet the needs of our growing customer base while we continue to provide enterprising products and services for the travel and tourism market. 2016 marked the tenth consecutive year that Simpleview was named to Inc. 5000’s list of fastest growing private companies.

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